Sailormoon is a shoujo anime created in Japan, based on
a mange (Japenese comic). It ran for five seasons, two of
which have been dubbed in English. These are shown in both
Canada and the US. The other three seasons are available
in Japenese with Subtitles.
Sailormoon is the basic romantic fairy tale. The main
character, Usagi (Serena in America), is a normal girl. Or
at least she thinks. She is actually the moon princess
Serenity, and also Sailor Moon, a super hero here to save
Earth from the Negaverse and various other evil doers.
She, of course does not do this all on her own. She has
the Sailor Senshi, princesses of the various planets of the
solar system to help her.
Sailormoon comes in varied forms. In Japan it was called
Bishouju Senshi Sailor Moon or Beautiful Soldier Sailor
Moon. In America it's known as just plain old Sailor Moon.
The reason for the bland name is it was dubbed by the most
dispicable company on earth Dic.
That's the basic jist of it, but it is really much more
complicated than that. I'm just too lazy to give an
adequate summary.